We turned MaryVance loose with the camera Wednesday night ... and here are some of her photos!Amy with Zoe and Izabelle (Peyton) with Chubs
Luke L, Robin, Rocky with Toby, Caleb L
Luke L, Robin, Rocky with Toby, Caleb L
Danny, Izabelle, Luke & Amy
A.T. (Peyton) and Tony
New Mamas Sarah with Logan and Jennifer with Landon and baby-adorer Tanya with Benjamin
The Mama & Baby corner
Wonder what tales Scott is sharing with Keith, Sam and Caleb?
Looks like Brandy has a ready audience with Heidi and Jenny.
Looks like Dorcas is about to teach the ladies a new game! *Sure was good to see Jims again!*
Chad and Jonas discussing heavy equiptment or some such! *Good to see Chad, Jenny, Matthew and little Benjamin!!*
Wonder if Danny H is telling Fish Tales to A. T. -- I don't think Jim's buying it!
Great job Mary Vance!
That last picture is great! :)