Monday, January 26, 2009

On May 10th, 2008...

We (the Lewis‘) went to the Drawbond’s house to butcher chickens!! The Hunters, Miss Amy, Jay, and Ayla also came!!
Anyway, here are some pictures of what we did!!
Getting started...

Sam de-gutting chickens,

Proud Sam and his plucked baby!! ;-),
Aunt Brandy, and Miss Amy with Evan in between!
Sam, Miss Ruth, Mama, and Beth plucking the chickens,
Zeb, Sam, Uncle Danny, and Samuel also plucking,
Aunt Brandy, and Miss Amy de-gutting some chickens,
This one is JUST for You, Miss Amy!! :-),
Evan in action!

Miss Ruth, Aunt Brandy, and Susan,
packaging, and cutting the chicken,
Susan and Ashley, hard at work!
By Molly Lewis.

January's Church Park Day

The Guys playing soccer,
Big Guys like to have fun too!! :-),
Beth holding Nehemiah,
MaryVance and Lena,
Joseph swinging,
Looks like they are resting...
tired already?! :-).
By Molly Lewis

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wednesday Evening Programs for Jan

For the next several Wednesday nights we will be watching and discussing a DVD entitled, The Exodus Revealed: Search for the Red Sea Crossing.

The back of the DVD states:

"Now The Exodus Revealed follows the footsteps of the children of Israel in an unforgettable journey of discovery. A journey that reveals physical evidence for the Exodus including: the remains of 3800 year old Hebrew settlements in Egypt's Nile Delta; Egyptian records of the Israelite's bondage under Pharaoh; the precise route they may have followed to freedom; their crossing site on the shore of the Red Sea; and the location of Mt. Sinai. The Exodus Revealed brings to light the first significant archaeological 'find' of the 21st century."

Please join us for this interesting study.


Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year's Eve pics!

We turned MaryVance loose with the camera Wednesday night ... and here are some of her photos!Amy with Zoe and Izabelle (Peyton) with Chubs
Luke L, Robin, Rocky with Toby, Caleb L
Danny, Izabelle, Luke & Amy
I wonder why Les Yoder thought these two were brothers?
A.T. (Peyton) and Tony
New Mamas Sarah with Logan and Jennifer with Landon and baby-adorer Tanya with Benjamin
The Mama & Baby corner
Wonder what tales Scott is sharing with Keith, Sam and Caleb?
Looks like Brandy has a ready audience with Heidi and Jenny.
Looks like Dorcas is about to teach the ladies a new game! *Sure was good to see Jims again!*
Chad and Jonas discussing heavy equiptment or some such! *Good to see Chad, Jenny, Matthew and little Benjamin!!*
Wonder if Danny H is telling Fish Tales to A. T. -- I don't think Jim's buying it!
Robin, Sharita, Susan, Ally, Sarah, Jennifer, Tanya, Esther (DanH's sister), Heidi
Uh oh... here comes Danny!
DanH, Amy, Scott, Keith and Jeremy ... wonder what mischief they are planning?
Snack time for Samuel and Luke... while Tanya adores little Benjamin!

Sharita, Susan, Samuel, Luke with Benna and Ayla playing.
Lots to catch up on... Susan and Tanya
Ally with Robin and Heidi with Toby
What?! Sisters... Amy and Sarah
I hope you enjoyed reliving New Year's Eve through MaryVance's eyes...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Mike and Jo

Mike and Jo got in safe last night around 9:00. Praise God for a safe trip.
