Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sewing ~ February 3, '09
Susan & Heidi made some yummy doughnuts as a treat for lunch!! :)

Ruth supervising Danny as he sewed strips of a quilt top together. Thanks, Ruth! That meant so much to him!! :)

Burning the ends of more ropes so Alma could keep sewing the unfinished parachutes.

Miss Ayla tries her hand at quilting! :)

Time to fry the doughnuts....

And all ready to be tasted! :) They were scrumptious! Thanks Heidi & Susan :)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Church Social

Pics from Friday night.... self-explanatory unless you weren't there. :)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sewing circle

Y'all don't forget that there is SEWING circle on Tuesday. We are going to be making donuts and finishing up the parachutes. There will also be a quilt in to quilt on.
Bring a dish to share, although no desert will be need. (Not with all the donuts)
See y'all then.
